Train Status InformationSunrise Seto,Izumo

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Current as of: 02/19/2025 at 11:49

From 4 am until 2 am the following day, this page will report train information regarding anticipated and actual delays in excess of 30 minutes of trains operated by JR-EAST, including the Tohoku, Joetsu, Hokuriku, Yamagata and Akita Shinkansen. Although we update this page regularly, actual train operations may differ from information shown here. Use this information as a guide only.
We are not responsible for any damages that may result by you, the customer, taking action based on this information.
AI translation service is used in a part of this page. Therefore, there is a possibility that the result of translation provided by this automatic AI translation service may contain some inaccurate information not reflecting the original intention in Japanese language. We disclaims any guarantees for results of those translation.

Train Status Information

Sunrise Seto,Izumo

Normal operation

Normal operation

Sunrise Seto

Normal operation

Normal operation

Sunrise Izumo

Normal operation

Normal operation

  • Even though we have update the latest information on this page, it may differ from the actual train operation.Please use as an estimation.