How can I view the latest train information?
You can check for the latest information as soon as you open your browser. If time has passed since you opened your browser, click your browser's "Refresh" or "Reload" button and check the information again.
Is this page updated if the trains are only delayed by 1 minute?
Delays of only a few minutes are not reported. Considering the effect the delay has on the customer, only delays in excess of 30 minutes are reported. Information is updated regularly. However when heavy rain, etc. causes confusion, information on this page may be inaccurate. Only use this information as a guide.
How long does it take to update this page after a delay occurs?
This varies according to the situation, but generally this page is updated 5 to 10 minutes after a delay occurs.
How can I view information about individual shinkansen or limited express trains?
For information about delays on the shinkansen or limited express trains (including the Narita Express), contact us on our Infoline (050-2016-1603, 10 am to 6 pm).